Do you only preserve wedding flowers?

No, I can preserve flowers from any occasion whether it be memorial flowers from funerals, engagements, baptisms, etc. If you’re unsure of whether I can assist just reach out to me and we can work through your options.

Can you work with already dried flowers? 

Yes I can, I preserve both fresh and pre-dried flowers. Just ensure they aren’t covered in too much dust and make sure you’re still happy with the way they look. Home dried flowers will always have a more traditional and rustic look to them, they won’t be as vibrant as professionally preserved flowers. Here’s an example of a pre-dried bouquet.

What’s your turnaround time?

From receiving your flowers, the process can take from 4-6 months. This includes drying the flowers, design, casting, sanding and finishing.

How will I get my flowers to you? 

There’s a few options for delivery, they’re listed out here for you to read through. I’ve had bouquets from NEARLY every state - where’s my Tassie & WA brides at?

Can I include keepsakes in my piece along with the flowers?

Yes I can add other items to your piece, please let me know if you’d like to include items like the cork from your wedding day, ribbon, lace from your dress, charms, etc. Here’s an example of a piece with a charm included.

Can I gift your services?

You sure can! If you’d like to gift a bride and groom my services please contact me and I’ll provide you with a gift certificate to include in your card to them.

How do I take care of my resin piece? 

Resin is a plastic that will naturally yellow over time, this is totally unavoidable no matter what some may claim. To minimise the impact I use a high quality UV resistant resin, but you should still keep your piece out of direct sunlight and avoid storing it in a place with extreme heat.

My wedding has passed and I just found you, can you recreate my flowers for me?

Recreations are one of my favourite things to do! It works very similarly to a fresh flower preservation. If interested please fill in the booking form on my homepage, then I’ll book you into my next available time slot.

It is your responsibility to source the flowers, you can either pick them up yourself and drop them off to my home studio or alternativly if you’re out of state I can connect you with my local florist for an order.